Saturday, September 30, 2006

Flowers and Demons

Yeah, I dunno what it's really all about. Nor am I sure that I care. One thing remains true to this day -- sleep is a necessity for all of mankind. And animals, for that matter. Do plants sleep? Have you ever wondered this? Eh... who cares... I need to sleep. It's late, and my eyeballs are turning grey.
5 packs of bubble gum laying helplessly on my desk. Crying for attention, as the heater pounds loudly. My brain swells. I am not a fry daddy. Nor a Foreman Grill. I'm just a Pooge.

Saturday, September 16, 2006


To some, my purpose may be unclear. To others, they believe they know what they do not. Brain blizzard. Mental mansoon. Head hurricane. Thought thunder. Cranial... crap! It's not to be understood. It is the ignition of my enigmatic engine.

That said, let's talk now about the "infidel" leader and the followers of the "false prophet". Why quote a 14th Century emperor? Wrong choice. Right intention. The proof is in the pudding. Apologies are patronizing and hypocritical unless heartfelt. Don't demand. Educate. Don't get mad. Get Glad. Throw your anger in the bin.
Moot point. One's whole purpose is blasphemous to the other. Respect the followers, not the faith, or we risk trivializing our own. Again, patronizing and hypocritical.
Ignore the ignorance. Ignore the words. Ignore the past. Heed the message and change the course of our future.

Will I ever remove myself from this puddle of doom? Damn cigarettes. Damn laziness. Damn time. Damn depression. Damn death. In this marathon, I am the straggler. I stop and count the roses. I masturbate in the beauty of nature. I smoke. I'm too far behind. Must I go on? Is there another path I can take? I will never catch up. So I masturbate once more. And I smoke.
My hair is greasy and matted. My clothes unchanged for days. If I were my cat, I'd kick me out. I must be a friend to myself. Time is my enemy.

Withdraw your compass. Fasten your seat belts. Breath in deeply. Understand nothing.

Saturday, September 02, 2006


I am not an Anglican! For is it not the right of all fellow citizens to declare ludicrosity upon arrival? For withering and floundering prevails in the halls and the back rooms of every major university. Stench follows. The grumbling will never cease. Maya dances through it all... mind vacant... face blank. Her hope and zest for life ran off with the spoon. But still she prevails as part of the great machine.

Dimes follow her to the right wing. Pennies fall to the floor. Happiness eludes all whom dare ask the questions... seeking the answers we all secretly crave. Hemp plants grow wild as such mentality continues. But we submerse our thoughts in cultural remedies. We lock ourselves inside our fears and wait for the doom which prevails. Nothing has changed.